Of all of my teachers, Mr. Holland has had the greatest overall impact.  Over the course of seven years, he has managed not only to teach me how to play the trumpet well but also how to be a great human being.  He has taught me several life lessons and has acted as a second father figure the me at times.  Through many teaching methods, he has managed to keep the lessons very fun and entertaining.

We have formed a tight bond through the years, and he has not only been a mentor and role model but an inspirational figure as well.  One of the great things about Mr. Holland is that he treats his students like a student and friend.  He makes students feel comfortable when he's teaching and is never condescending.  I look forward to each lesson with Mr. Holland, as I know it will be one of the most enjoyable and significant parts of my day.  

Mr. Holland is the best teacher I've ever had and I'm proud to call him a friend.
